Categories: Siri

Is Google Better Than Siri?


The two best AI assistants on the market right now are Google Assistant and Siri, and this is hardly arguable. As two of the biggest tech companies constantly update two of the greatest AI assistants, it’s an unavoidable question that everyone is thinking: Is Google better than Siri?

Because of the obvious restriction of the AI to their respective operating systems, this comparison will be based off of the AI in their native settings. In other words, we’re here to find out if Google Assistant on the Android is better than Siri on the iPhone; we are not examining the Google Assistant on an iPhone or Siri on an Android.

Google vs Siri as an app

As an app, the two are exceptional. They aren’t clunky, don’t take a lot of space, and offer useful widgets. Siri has a slight edge since it can be woken up by saying “Hey Siri.” It’s a cool feature and one that the Google Assistant hasn’t learned yet, but it isn’t a necessity. Both come as default in their respective phones, meaning you won’t have to go through the trouble of searching for, downloading, and setting up the application. Disabling them is also simple. Easy come, easy go.

Is Google Better Than Siri?: Functions and capabilities

Both Siri and Google Assistant are competent when it comes to carrying out basic AI tasks. Commands such as checking the weather, starting a web search, setting alarms, and making phone calls are a piece of cake for the two superior smartphone assistants.

In addition to that, Siri and Google Assistant have a pretty solid list of third-party applications that they are compatible with. You can easily call an Uber, coordinate with Yelp, and pay off a debt using Venmo.

Aside from third-party apps, both assistants are very efficient in carrying out tasks utilizing apps within the phone itself. For example, if you say show me my photos, both assistants will open your gallery. You can also send text messages, call someone in your contacts, and open other default applications with just the sound of your voice.

A few years ago, or maybe even a few months ago, this comparison might have been a different story. Google Assistant wasn’t able to function within the phone itself. When you asked for photos, it would open up the photos in your Google account rather than the ones in your phone’s gallery. As for Siri, it was a bit restricted when it came to third-party apps as it only recognized Apple-related applications.

Google and Apple have brought its consumers many updates to improve on the issues above, and they are now at a tie, at least for this category.

Google Vs. Siri Comprehension

As of now, Google has the upperhand when it comes to comprehension. Wired, a media/news company conducted a short test comparing Google to Siri and Alexa. They gathered eight different members with eight different accents, and challenged the AI assistants to a listening exam. The results weren’t even close, and Google came out on top. You can watch the video here.

The more you know…

In a past article of ours, you’ll have read that Google tops all of the assistants when it comes to knowledge. As the largest database and search engine, it’s hard not to believe it. For reference, you can find the study done by Stone Temple here. Google Assistant is not only well-learned. As mentioned before, it also listens well. Siri isn’t exactly slacking either. Although Google surpasses Siri in information, Siri isn’t the type to let you down; in the same study by Stone Temple, it beat Alexa and and Cortana by a very noticeable gap. Siri can and will give you the information you want, when you want it.

So, Is Google Better Than Siri? 

Siri and Google Assistant are very capable, and that much is obvious. Is Google better than Siri? That one isn’t so simple. They’re both fully functional AI assistants that get the job done, and if you weren’t looking for differences, chances are you wouldn’t notice any. They even have the same extra features like the ability to tell jokes and interesting facts if you ask them to.

Apple has always been competed against in many different areas, and for good reason. In order to be the best, you’ve got to beat the best. When it comes to AI, Apple is definitely up there without a doubt.

However, I’d have to give this one to Google. It’s got more information, picks up clearly on accents, and isn’t as restricted as Siri.

Google may have won this one, but it isn’t by a landslide. Given the option, I would choose the Google Assistant over Siri, but if you’re using an iPhone, you aren’t missing much. Who knows, maybe with the next update, Siri will snatch the crown.

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