3 Fun Tricks You Can Play With Siri Voice Generator


The new Siri voice generator capabilities are causing quite the uproar while people do what they always do and try to find new and amusing ways to utilize this innovative feature. Of course, the first thing everyone wants to do is figure out a way to play tricks on Siri, or on their family and friends, and those results can be simply hilarious.

If you have the iPhone and Siri is your go-to, take a few minutes to download the new voice generator and set it up. Play around with it until using it is firmly in your comfort zone, then give one of these tricks a try. Be sure to record what happens when you do so you can share the laughs on YouTube!

1. Siri voice generator makes the old lame prank phone call hysterical again.

With the Siri voice generator, you can enable the feature on your device, type or copy and paste what you want her to say into a text app, and then hit “Speak.” Siri is now enabled with many different voice features, from the gender choice of male or female to the native accent of a UK speaker and the fluent conversational skill of German, making it fun to pick one choice and talk to her.

So even though everyone has caller ID nowadays and you are not going to be anonymous, calling up a random number and having Australian Siri ask them if their refrigerator is running (It is? Well, you’d better go catch it!) might be worth the irate return phone call you are probably going to get.

The response if Japanese Siri gets the irate phone call and you program her to respond could be pure comedic gold itself.

2. Create a voice-over for your favorite television show or movie with multiple voice options.

Create a script for the first few minutes of a movie and use Siri’s many different voices to act it out while you record it as an audio clip. Then, when your family members or friends sit down to watch the movie, be sure it’s on mute, put your phone behind the television and hit play!

Make sure you record their faces when they first notice your Academy Award-worthy screenplay dialogue is not the same as what they expected to hear.

3. Let your dog have a conversation with your grandmother.

Or your cat. Or your bird. And you can replace your grandmother with anyone naïve enough to fall for the trick because really, old people being tricked by technology is funny, but when you can get someone younger to fall for it, that’s just plain sidesplitting. When no one but your one gullible family member or friend is home, sneak in and set up base camp. Be sure your Siri voice setting is set to the most likely voice that Fido or Fifi sounds like before you start the trick.

While Grandma is distracted and your family pet is in the same room with her, go ahead and start your text to speech conversation. Keep the video recording and share!

Jessi F:
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