Do NOT Tell Siri 112

We all know that Siri likes a good comeback just as well as the rest of us. The pranksters out there have a new one going: tell Siri 112 and see what happens. Does she get mad? Does she joke back with us?

The answer is a resounding “no.” Do NOT tell Siri 112. This is the one time she takes you seriously. 112 is the number for emergency services, and Siri will go ahead and call it for you.

Can Siri Call 911?

What exactly is 112, 911, 000, or any of those numbers you keep getting suggestions to call? They’re actually phone numbers that will get you fast help in an emergency. Some will only work in certain areas, but 112 is one that works in quite a few places.

Right in line with its advanced features like the Siri Voice Generator, this safety feature should not be surprising. Apple takes your wellbeing seriously. They have a special feature implemented in its iOS system to get you immediate assistance from authorities in the case of an emergency.

You can simply say, “Siri, call 911” in the United States and she will reply, “Calling emergency services”. She will then give you five seconds to cancel your request before finalizing the action.

If you really need help, this will get you to the operator of your county or state’s emergency authorities department. At that time, you will be asked some basic information from the operator. They’ll likely ask what the nature of the emergency is, your name, and where you are so that they can send help to you.

From that point, your information is shared with the authorities nearest to you that are trained to administer assistance and any to those who can offer medical help if necessary.

But if you don’t really need emergency assistance, you may find yourself in need of legal aid instead. Calling emergency service numbers when you don’t need help can land you in a boatload of trouble.

Like yelling “Shark!” on a beach full of people, you are going to get attention if you do this. It just may not be the attention you were looking for when you attempted the joke, and you’ll find it is not amusing to the recipients.

What Happens if You Tell Siri to Call 112

If it’s not an emergency, and you tell Siri “112,” you could be liable for multiple legal repercussions. In the United States, for example, the misuse of the 911 emergency phone number can be charged as a first-degree misdemeanor. This means you can face potential penalties of a fine up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail.

Even worse, if you don’t learn your lesson the first time around, or even the first three times, your fourth conviction on this offense will be charged as a third degree felony.

If you do end up calling emergency services by accident, don’t freak out, though. It happens. Maybe you butt-dialed them, or your two-year-old relative had your phone to watch Paw Patrol and the next thing you know emergency services are at your door.

In these situations, it is best to apologize profusely to the operator, who may or may not decide you don’t really need help and you can go on about your day. In some cases, the operator may opt to send someone out just to check and be sure you weren’t being coerced into saying it was an accidental call.

If they show up at your door, again, stay calm. Explain the situation, let them talk to the child who called accidentally or show them how you butt-dialed the number. Promise to never ever ever let it happen again, and accept the chastising you will likely get.

It’s a serious mistake to have made, but if it’s a mistake, you will likely be just fine if you are honest and respectful.
But if you still want to tell Siri “112,” now you know the consequences. The joke’s going to be on you.

Jessi F:
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