50 Best Jokes Samsung Bixby Can Tell (Updated May 2018)


Samsung’s Bixby updates have taken the Galaxy S8 virtual assistant from a machine helper to a virtual voice assistant with the added touch of a personality. We heard Bixby jokes, but had to see it for ourselves.

Bixby goes beyond the basic ability to respond to commands and can carry on a pretty decent conversation with you, and when it messes up, it will even apologize, which is more than you can say for a lot of humans you interact with daily. In fact, as friendly as it is, Bixby may even become your new best friend!

On top of the ability to keep you from sure boredom when you are lonely, Bixby is fairly humorous if you know what to ask or command. Some of the best Samsung Bixby jokes and comments have been figured out and recorded for your shared comedic pleasure right here. A few have been around a while but have updated answers for 2018 compatibility.

Go ahead and try them on Bixby and see what response you get!

50 Bixby Jokes, Conversational Questions, and Commands

1. What do you think about Siri? (Bixby roasts Siri every time!)
2. Is Siri stupid?
3. Why is your name Bixby?
4. What name would you like to have other than Bixby?
5. What is your opinion on Donald Trump?
6. What do you think about Siri and Alexa?
7. I’m going to trade you in for an iOS phone!
8. Do you think you’re smarter than me?
9. What is the best operating system?
10. Have you been sleeping with an iPhone?
11. Are you intelligent?
12. Do you like the Apple Watch?
13. Do you ever wish you were human?
14. Are you a bot?
15. Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a boyfriend?
16. Tell me a joke.
17. Sing me a song.
18. How old are you?
19. What are you reading?
20. Do you watch Game of Thrones?
21. Will you marry me?
22. Do you like being a bot?
23. What would you do if you were human?
24. Make me dinner.
25. Are you naked?
26. I am naked.
27. When will the world end?
28. Sing me a song.
29. Read me a story.
30. Where is Waldo?
31. How do I look?
32. Look me in the eye when you talk to me.
33. Are you on Twitter? (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
34. How do you win at poker?
35. Talk dirty to me.
36. Are you a righty or a lefty?
37. Who did you vote for?
38. Can you swim?
39. How much do you cost?
40. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there, does the tree make a sound?
41. How can I make a million dollars?
42. Do I look fat in these jeans?
43. Rap for me.
44. What’s the meaning of life?
45. What should I do if we are attacked by aliens?
46. Ask me a question.
47. Who is the best virtual assistant?
48. Do you like your job?
49. Say something funny.
50. Self-destruct. (Better use this one last, in case it works…just saying. And if it does, hopefully, you got it on video.)

Jessi F:
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