Categories: News

Alexa can make mixtapes?

Although Alexa can’t exactly make you the perfect mix of private songs herself, you can now use voice controls to build playlists. The famous voice assistant behind Amazon’s line of smart speakers has been making technology a hands-free experience.

This new feature will allow you to build your own playlists from scratch or even change up your queue just by giving Alexa the appropriate commands. That means you can now change up your party playlist while your cooking or set up your songs while you’re cleaning the house.

The pleasant feature has been rather well received, although the update was rather unexpected. It seems Amazon is trying to up their game as the HomePod hit shelves and competition will be at an all-time high. There is just one of several new features that has been added to this device in the last week.

With more updates planned for the future, we can only sit back and see what kind of exciting features we should expect. It’s amazing to see how many commands can be replaced with voice control!

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